Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Using photos in a lapbook

I like to use our own photos in our lapbooks, but printing can get expensive. While printing pictures from my SD card using the kiosk at my local CVS pharmacy I discovered that you can print mini-photos which consist of 9 pictures on a 4X6" sheet for only 29 cents! That's about 3 cents per picture. Yes, they're pretty small but they're still amazingy clear and colorful and while they're tough to see online they work fine in person. And it makes a lapbook much more personalized which my boys love.


Shereen said...

Thank you so much for sharing your lapbooks. I am just getting started on them with my children, and can use all the help I can find. ;0) I can't wait to continue looking through your blog. Thanks again.

Shereen said...

I noticed on your sidebar you mention pocket envelopes, do you make them yourself, or is it something you buy. If you do buy, where do you buy them from?

Shereen said...

I am so sorry for all the comments. I just realized you also live in South Florida. We do too!! I have four children(11,9,5, 3), and my younger daughter(9)would probably have been labeled autistic if I had pushed to get a label for her. I do therapy at home with her and she has improved greatly.

Anonymous said...

I've linked to your idea from - your family's own photos make their learning come alive and more meaningful for the children.
yay! for lapbooking.

Anonymous said...

I'm just learning about lapbooks and found your site. I know your pain of expensive printing, but I've found this to be true: Sam's Club has $.13 prints all the time. I use my own software on the computer to make multiple images on one file (like what you did at the drug store), and then it's still only $.13. However, even better that that, is Wolf/Ritz Camera has $0.06 prints on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. These are 3.5x5 inch prints (the old size) but work great if you're scrapbooking. I just brought all of my photos to albumize (:)) for 2008 there. Hope this can save you some dough...

LaTanya said...

What a great idea to use your own photos! Thanks so much for sharing!