Friday, November 30, 2007

Works in Progress

While I'd love to post pictures of the lapbooks we've been working on for the past several weeks I have to confess that we have (at least) three in progress and none completed. We have a lot of info on these two topics: Working Dogs and Thanksgiving, and we've recently been motivated to learn about Snow and Winter since we'll be traveling North for winter vacation. In the meantime we have managed to decorate for Christmas and I have this to offer:


Julie said...

Hi Laura
I like your site - the lapbooks are lovely. I am going to post about lapbooks on my site in the next day or two, and will put in a link to your blog. Hope that is ok with you. Looking forward to seeing the next 3 books! best wishes, Julie.

Anonymous said...

Hello - Are you still out there?? I just found your site and realized that you haven't posted since 2008. Not sure if this message will even make its way to you, but I am curious to know how you are. I have recently started homeschooling my son with ASD, and also recently discovered lapbooks, so I was excited to see that one of your boys has ASD as well (well, ykwim! ha!)