Monday, January 14, 2008
Winter Vacation Book
We had such a great time on our trip up North. I've lived in South Florida all my life and had only seen snow once and my boys never had! I know anyone who lives day in and day out with snow and ice will probably roll their eyes, but for us a week in Chicago and Wisconsin was a blast! I decided to make a combination scrapbook/ altered book using all the maps, tickets and other memorabilia along with mini-photos of our trip. Here are the first several pages:

Friday, November 30, 2007
Works in Progress
While I'd love to post pictures of the lapbooks we've been working on for the past several weeks I have to confess that we have (at least) three in progress and none completed. We have a lot of info on these two topics: Working Dogs and Thanksgiving, and we've recently been motivated to learn about Snow and Winter since we'll be traveling North for winter vacation. In the meantime we have managed to decorate for Christmas and I have this to offer:
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Using photos in a lapbook
I like to use our own photos in our lapbooks, but printing can get expensive. While printing pictures from my SD card using the kiosk at my local CVS pharmacy I discovered that you can print mini-photos which consist of 9 pictures on a 4X6" sheet for only 29 cents! That's about 3 cents per picture. Yes, they're pretty small but they're still amazingy clear and colorful and while they're tough to see online they work fine in person. And it makes a lapbook much more personalized which my boys love.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
History of Halloween
The Five Senses
I used a set from the educational store for the colorful titles and graphics and we supplemented with materials from and
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Saturn and the Cassini-Huygens Probe
Monday, August 27, 2007
Bats and building a bat house
Coral Reef Life
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Life Cycle of Monarch Butterflies
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Our First Garden
During the prep time before Hurricane Wilma we made several trips to Home Depot. Brian saw seed packets for sale and decided he wanted to plant something. We were more focused on the storm but finally helped him plant a dozen or so squash seeds in a large rubbermaid container. And despite the storm and being hauled to Jacksonville afterward, and then transplanted twice, the squash flourished. That was the beginning of our first ever vegetable garden. Wilma had destroyed our fenced dog kennel so that area became a garden. We dug up the grass and put down good soil to transplant the squash plants into. Over the next several weeks we added sweet peas, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes and green beans. We watched every day as the plants flowered and grew taller. Some mornings the boys literally woke me up with "Let's go outside and check on the garden!" : )
And then there was Wilma...
Our first lapbook: Our Pets, Fall 2005
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Getting started
We discovered lapbooking a couple of years ago and it has evolved to become the main source of structure in our eclectic homeschool. We focus on our boys' (ages 7 1/2, NT and 11, ASD) interests, help them do research, and tie it all together with a lapbook that they can go back to look at as many times as they like. I'll be posting photos of all of the lapbooks we've done as well as links to some of my favorite sites and resources.
: )
We discovered lapbooking a couple of years ago and it has evolved to become the main source of structure in our eclectic homeschool. We focus on our boys' (ages 7 1/2, NT and 11, ASD) interests, help them do research, and tie it all together with a lapbook that they can go back to look at as many times as they like. I'll be posting photos of all of the lapbooks we've done as well as links to some of my favorite sites and resources.
: )
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